
Elvis“Elvis was born on October 17, 2015 in Mbale district, Uganda. He is now 6 years old. Elvis is the first born and lives with his single mother who takes care of all his needs and the responsibilities in the home including food, medical care, and house rent, as their father abandoned them.
Elvis loves school and is in primary one at Stepping Stones Learning Center. His best subjects are mathematics and science. While at school, Elvis participates in co-curricular activities like playing football which he enjoys so much since the age of 2 years, He also enjoys riding a bicycle. Elvis is very social and very bright both at school and at home. At his age he always wants to discover and explore more about new things and ideas. Elvis is a child who always wants to live in harmony. He does not want to cause fights while with others both at school and at home.
Elvis has a dream of becoming a software Engineer once he completes his studies.
Great thanks to the LJHS U-TOUCH Club teachers, students, parents and the principal for supporting the education of the Ugandan children helping them to have a bright future.”
Ketty, Elvis’ mother

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