
Esther“Esther was born on January 1st, 2019 in Mbale district, Uganda. Esther is now three years old and is the second born. She lives with her mother and brother though sadly her father abandoned them.
Esther loves school! She attends Stepping Stones Learning Center and is in the Nursery class. Her best subjects are reading and science. Esther is very bright in class, respects her teachers and her fellow children. She is very active in class and at home and always wants to be near her mother while cooking. She is a quick learner and loves discovering new things wherever she goes.
Esther is jolly and enjoys creating new friends. At home when Esther is playing with her friends, she always wants to act as the nurse caring for them. When she sees the brother quiet, Esther will always want to find out the cause which makes her unique and caring for others even at this early age.
Esther is joyful that she can now attend school, only possible with the support of LJHS. Esther has a dream of becoming a doctor/surgeon when she finishes her studies. Thanks to the LJHS U-TOUCH Club, LJHS teachers, students and parents, and the principal your endless support has restored a lot of joy in our lives and that of many children in Uganda. Our appreciation is so great that it cannot be measured.”
Ketty, Esther’s mother,

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